Tuesday, December 17, 2013


FROM THE DESK OF OLUNU OLUGBENGA, A Personal Student of Kevin Trudeau   

My Guru and Mentor, Kevin Trudeau,

A Former member of the legendary Brotherhood secret society breaks his silence and REVEALS…

The closely guarded, PROVEN money making & success secrets that the wealthy, powerful and influential DON’T want you to know about!

Dear Friend,
Read Very Carefully with Undiluted Interest and 100% Fixed Concentration,
I am Olunu Olugbenga, a Nigerian and I have struggled for too long before I got exposed to the secret I am about to share with you, I listened to him hence this stories are not about me but about My Mentor, Kevin Trudeau who I listened to and his secrets upgraded my life.
Kevin TrudeauOver the next couple minutes, He is going to share some secret insider information that will show you how to attract any amount of money and any level of success. This is information that has been previously kept top secret by captains of industrybillionairesthe politically elite,leaders of nations, as well as members of elite secret societies like the Brotherhood,FreemasonsIlluminatiSkull and Bones and others.

As a past member of the elite Brotherhood society, He was given access to influential people and PROVEN money making and success secrets that are NOT public knowledge.

These are the same money making secrets and strategies used by the world’s most powerful, 
influential, and wealthy business tycoons, politicians, world leaders, secret society members and celebrities, to accumulate their HUGE financial fortunes and have unchallenged influence on world events.                                                                                                                                      
These are the secrets to incredible wealth, power, luck, control, happiness, and love. They are also the secrets to CONTROLLING every situation in your life, and turning any situation into an advantage.

Attain an uncommon level of success that ONLY a privileged FEW will ever experience!

Once you know these closely guarded secrets, you too can learn to become a millionaire or EVEN a billionaireimprove your healthexperience quality business/personal relationships and live the life you’ve only dreamed of.
Your Destiny is Now In Your Hands,

I, Kevin Trudeau finally decided to leave the Brotherhood (which nobody has ever done before), break my silence and share all these closely guarded money making and success secrets with you. I even will share my PROVEN 5-second miracle with you. (More on that later.)
Here’s the deal…
I recently held an unprecedented meeting in the Swiss Alps with some of the most powerful, wealthy and influential people in the world to discuss how to really attract money and success.
This was not some group of wannabes, tire-kickers, or new age phonies.
Swiss AlpsIn attendance were millionairesbillionaires, high-level government officials, heads of countries, members of royal families, politicians and captains of industry. Also in attendance were the highest ranking members of exclusive secret societies like the Brotherhood (which I was a member of for 30 years),FreemasonsIlluminatiSkull and Bones and others. (What they shared left me speechless.)
The event was so exclusive that attendees paid OVER $10,000 to attend and travelled from every continent around the world to get access to these secrets. And everyone said it was not only the best $10,000 they ever spent – they said it changed their lives. Imagine how powerful this information had to be for a billionaire to say that!
You may be wondering what was so special or why this event was so life-changing and what you’re going to get out of it. Well…
As someone who was lucky enough to be there and personally share all the secrets, I can tell you why. It’s because the information that was shared is the true path to money and success. And it was shared in absolute secrecy. This is information that is kept secret from the average person. It’s all hush, hush, and shared by a token few people, lucky enough to socialize in these highly influential circles – mainly members of secret societies.

Success secrets the elite DON’T want you to know about!

Unfortunately, this information has been deliberately kept from you by these elite ruling members of society. They do NOT want anyone, including you, to compete with them. And that’s a fact.
If you do not believe these society members exist or are powerful ---
Let me give you an example.
Have you ever heard of The Yale University Skull and Bones? This “secret society” -- and others like it – is strictly reserved for the so-called elite individuals of the world. (Membership includes former president George W. Bush and even senator John Kerry. This society is so powerful, the movie called The Good Shepherd, starring Matt Damon, is all about The Skull and Bones.) Here’s another example – many of our US presidents have been members of the highly powerful/influentialFreemasons. Do you think this was accident? Of course not, it was by deliberate, strategic design. (In fact, George Washington, the father of our country, was the most powerful Freemason in history.)

Be careful about what you read!

Here’s something else that may shock you and prove just how powerful this information REALLY is…
The elite also purposely give out wrong or misleading information when they write their biographies or how-to business books. In fact, none of these tycoons even write their own books. They hire ghostwriters who do ALL the work. All the tycoons do is give the ghostwriter misleading information and the writer writes whatever they say – with no real unbiased research or fact-checking to speak of. Most of these elite tycoons never even read their own completed books! And here’s something you do not know – just about every millionaire, billionaire, captain of industry, royal family member, world leader, and celebrity is a member of a secret society. They just never make it public.
These secret societies were formed hundreds of years ago with one goal in mind – to discover the secrets of living a successful life of absolute riches and opulence. They are dedicated to teaching their members how to become wealthy financially and live a life filled with happiness. This way they always stay in positions of influence.
The problem for you is that they NEVER share any of this information outside their circles.
A few months back, I risked everything by being the only former member to reveal all the deepest, inner most money and success secrets that have been kept from 99.99% of the public. These are secrets that anyone, including you, can use to transform your life from one of struggle or “average” existence to monumental success quickly.
In the span of a weekend, myself (and specially chosen millionaires, billionaires and secret society members ) pounded a special, exclusive, invitation-only audience with 30 years of the most powerful, life-altering secrets. These are the true secrets to getting whatever you want in your life. Money – power – happiness – all the true riches of a fuller life.
Every person lucky enough to have witnessed this event, told me that we over delivered. They were all blown away by the simple, yet powerful secrets and strategies we revealed.
Here’s something else you may not know. One other person in history, tried to do something similar to what I did on this weekend – Andrew Carnegie (the world famous steel magnate.) Andrew Carnegie attempted to reveal one of the most sacred success secrets in the Napoleon Hill book Think and Grow Rich and was met with fierce, almost violent opposition from auto magnate Henry Ford. (I revealed that secret to a spellbound audience during this magical weekend. I’m going to teach it to you also.)

Why did I reveal the secrets?

You may be sitting there wondering why I decided to risk my life and reveal the closely guarded secrets that I once swore to be silent about. You may be wondering why I’m willing to share them with you – especially considering that I do not even know you. You may be wondering why I’m willing to potentially lose my business or even my life!
Very simple.
When I uncover lies, I quickly expose the truth. Just like I exposed government corruption with the pharmaceutical companies in my books Natural Cures and More Natural Cures Revealed – I’m exposing all the quick-buck liars and supposed-gurus out there peddling useless lies and misinformation about making money and becoming successful. They are causing more harm than good and it has to stop!
Case in point…
Have you ever noticed how many people (maybe even you) read every book on success and money, attend every seminar and even listen to every motivational success program? These are the same people that are always broke, down on their luck and chronically unhappy. This speaks volumes.
ExamplesYou may have even heard about bestselling books like The SecretThink and Grow RichAsk and It is GivenRich Dad Poor Dad and others that promise to teach you how to make millions, be happy, and manifest all your desires. They have been talked about on Oprah, CNN, NBC, The Today Show, and written about in Time Magazine, The New York Times and hundreds of other publications. Major celebrities, famous billionaires, and members of Royal Families (all members of secret societies) have admitted to using the information in these books to achieve riches and fame. Please!
These books are good, but all of them miss the most important secret key ingredient that makes the information REALLY work FAST. This is whypeople never get the results they seek.
All of these books miss one thing that has been PURPOSELY OMITTED – and this key ingredient makes all the difference.
To prove my point, just type “personal success” into Amazon.com and you’ll find thousands of books written on how to make/attract more money or how to be a success in every area of your life. 99.9% of these people are usually copying other people’s information or writing useless theories. Most of these author’s lives are in shambles and they have no money to speak of. And I know this is a fact because I know many of them!
THESE SO-CALLED GURUS ARE RIPPING PEOPLE OFF – perhaps it even happened to you. They are crushing the hopes, dreams and goals of millions of people. I know this is true because I’ve been there. I read all the popular success and money making books – I attended all the latest and greatest get-rich-quick seminars. And you know what? None of them did me any good. Why? Because I was being taught the wrong information by the wrong people. Information gathered by people from other people with bad information. I’ve never seen two wrongs make a right and I’m sure you haven’t either.
Once I finally learned the right information from the Brotherhood, billionaires, the politically elite, captains of industry and the members of the IlluminatiFreemasonsThe Skull and Bones and other secret societies, I cracked the success code.
And now I live an exciting, fun and free life filled with financial wealth and happiness.

Here are some other things I achieved and accumulated ONLY when I learned and put these secrets to work

  • My companies have done BILLIONS of dollars in sales.
  • I have owned TV networks, publishing and manufacturing companies and other corporations in many countries – all over the world.
  • My associated companies have employed well over 3000 people.
  • I attained the status of “New York Times #1 bestselling author” AND sold over 50 million copies in over 18 countries.
  • I have lived in multi-million dollar homes all across America and on 3 continents.
  • I have owned super luxury cars including Rolls Royces, Ferraris, Bentleys, and various Mercedes Benz cars.
  • Collected millions of dollars in luxury jewelry.
  • I have traveled first class everywhere in private jets and limos and stayed in the most expensive hotel suites.
  • I’ve had servants including a butler, private chef, chauffer and bodyguard.
  • I have wined and dined in the finest restaurants and enjoyed the most expensive wine and champagne.
  • I have associated with some of the richest most powerful people in the world including Presidents and Prime Ministers, Generals, business tycoons, and the world’s most famous Hollywood celebrities.
  • I have dated some of the most beautiful sexy women in the world and now am outrageously happily married to a stunning woman who is well traveled, well educated and one of the nicest people you could ever meet. I am enjoying an amazingly satisfying romantic loving relationship beyond my wildest dreams!
  • I also have unreal almost super human health. I virtually NEVER get sick!
There’s no question that you can have everything you want. You can attract any amount of money! You can meet your soul mate and have the relationship of your dreams! You can live in a beautiful home in an affluent community! You can drive the car of your dreams! You can wear expensive, stylish, designer clothes!
And most important…


Imagine being PERSONALLY taught by me (a former member of the Brotherhood, self-made millionaire and TV celebrity who started with literally nothing but desire and a strong willingness to learn) …
  • How to make MILLIONS of dollars FAST!
  • How to attract money like a MAGNET!
  • How to raise $10,000 CASH in 24 hours! 
  • How to make $100,000 in 90 days! 
  • How to earn $20,000 per month without leaving your house! 
  • How to have SUPER HEALTH! 
  • How to have the romantic loving relationship of your dreams! 
  • How to have unlimited personal power in your life! 
  • How to be happy beyond belief! 
  • How to overcome adversity, setbacks and disappointments and make them turn to your advantage!
  • How to eliminate all past emotional pain and traumas! 
  • How to use “Two Magic Words” that could eliminate ALL your debts OVERNIGHT! 
  • How to predict future events with uncanny accuracy! 
  • How to “read people’s minds” and control all situations! 
  • How to wipe out stress, anxiety, fear, and become confident and self assured!
  • How to have the lifestyle and freedom you always wanted! 
  • How to have your own Aladdin’s Lamp and have your own Genie who will grant you your every desire! 
  • How to be LUCKY and happy in life!
Sound good so far?
If you want to listen in and learn the success and money making secrets that were revealed by millionaires, billionaires, captains of industry, members of the politically elite, and members of the most influential secret societies like the Brotherhood,IlluminatiFreemasonsThe Skull and Bones and others, then you need to order my new program (on 14 CDs), containing everything that was revealed over those magical two days – including everything I learned from the world famous Brotherhood secret society.
Your Wish is Your CommandIt’s called...
Your Wish Is Your Command (and it’s divided into two IMPORTANT parts – you’ll receive both when you order)…
1. Your Wish Is Your Command / How to Manifest Your Dreams
2. How Anyone Can Make Millions / The Money Making Secrets “They” Don’t Want You To Know About

(Please keep in mind that I’m only releasing a limited number of Your Wish Is Your Command programs. This is an exclusive offer.)

once you know and use the SECRETS!

If you seriously follow the information in this program, to the letter, you virtually cannot fail. It’s impossible.
Here are a few results from some of the people I personally taught the secrets to:
  • A lawyer named Bill (from Indiana) made over 2 million dollars in 24 months!
  • UPS worker named Harry (from Maine), earning only $30,000 per year, started a company from scratch out of his basement, and generated over 200 million in sales over the next 3 years!
  • Deb (a single mom of two), used this information to eliminate over $50,000 in debt virtually overnight!
  • Tim (from Tennessee), bankrupt and living in his mother in laws house, made almost $1,000,000.00 in less than a year after learning this information!
  • Sue (from California), used this powerful knowledge to lose 50 pounds in 4 months! She became so confident and self-assured she attracted the most handsome and richest men and ultimately married a multimillionaire!
  • Mike (from Boston) went from making pizzas and living in a one room apartment to driving a Rolls Royce and having over 5 luxury vehicles – living in 2 mansions including his own Island! All this happened in just 5 years!!!

Here’s what others said about Your Wish Is Your Command

"Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, for releasing this secret information. Everyone needs this information badly at any price. What price can you put on happiness? The adventure begins for anyone who gets it. I can now be, do or have anything I desire and they are coming fast."
- L Halifax (Buffalo, NY)
"These are life changing! I have listened to them 4 times at least and a few of the CDs 5 times. Every time I take notes and then re-listen, I pick up something new. Simply amazing."
- Mark “The Sharp Guy” (FL)
"This is a really good set. I found so many puzzle pieces and yet there is so much more.”
- Judi (Grants Pass, OR)
"Dear Kevin, I am full of excitement after listening to Your Wish is Your Command. You have created something that I call the science of true development and success for everybody! During the course of my professional career, I have spoken to more than 2.2 million seminar attendees, and over 35,000 terminally ill patients, and have had over seven million readers of my materials. I wish that the Your Wish Is Your Command would have been available all this time, to help them understand and practice the power of conscious vibrational programming. You have created something that is so valuable that it can even make the poorest person wealthy beyond their wildest dreams. Thank you for creating it so that even the smallest person can become big in his or her life."
- Dr Leonard Coldwell (Author of Instinct Based Medicine)
“‘Your Wish Is Your Command is an absolutely amazing treasure trove of invaluable information allowing students to completely change their lives for the better and positively impact the lives of people around them. You learn the most closely guarded secrets of the most successful and most influential people in the world and exactly how to implement them to achieve great success and wealth. You learn how to "attract" success based on time-tested proven principles and take control of your life so that you are able to manifest any wish or desire in your personal and professional life. This program is an absolute MUST have! It has absolutely improved my life and I would recommend it to everyone without reservation! Thank you so much!"
- Loren P. (Monterey, CA)
So what do you think? Pretty powerful, wouldn’t you agree? I get testimonials like this every day from people from all walks of life who said Your Wish Is Your Command changed their lives from a life of struggle to one of riches.
And just as important as becoming more successful, these people all reported that destructive habits like lack of self-confidence, hopelessness, self-sabotage, discouragement, and lack programming were tuned out and permanently eliminated.
Their dreams became reality – they started achieving their goals - their deepest, darkest desires began to magically manifest in their lives – they started to get huge pay hikes in their jobs – some of them quit their jobs and started making more money than ever – highly lucrative business opportunities came into their lives – relationships with everyone around them improved by leaps and bounds – health problems mysteriously disappeared – fear was replaced with courage, certainty and unshakable self-confidence.
And much, much more!
Their lives were magically transformed into lives filled with style, comfort, riches, success and abundance. Yours will too!

Discover my 5-second miracle process!

Oh and before I forget...
Earlier I mentioned that I’d teach you my “5-second miracle process.”
Get this…
I took some of the most powerful concepts taught by the Brotherhood (for attaining miracles in any area of life) and distilled them all into a process you can use to attract money or manifest any other desire. In most cases, the entire process, start to finish, takes only about 5 seconds.
I’ll teach it to you on Your Wish Is Your Command!
Ok…let’s get down to brass tacks.
Now it’s your turn to make more money…have the freedom to do whatever you want to do…whenever you want to do it – and have the time of your life doing it!
And remember…
These techniques work. I started with nothing and became a multi-millionaire living in some of the most affluent communities in the world. I’ve driven the best cars and own a number of different, wildly successful businesses that routinely make hundreds of millions of dollars for me – year in and year out.
These secrets and strategies worked for me, my billionaire friends and all the elite members of the secret societies – and they’ll work for you too.
Now, you can have access to all this secret information on 14 easy-to-follow, limited edition CDs.
You’re probably wondering what you have to invest to get all of these secrets to making money and success.
Well, I can tell you this. You are not going to have to pay $10,000, plus travel expenses, like the attendees did live in the Swiss Alps. Not even close. I want to make sure you get all this life-changing information in your hands AND make it as easy on you as possible.
So, no worries my friend! I have you covered.
If you decide to pay all at once today, you can get your own copy of Your Wish Is Your Command for only N3,500.00 

30-Day No-Risk,
100% Money Back guarantee!

You can be rest assured that Your Wish Is Your Command is fully guaranteed for 30 days! If you’re not satisfied for any reason, you can send it back for a full, no-questions-asked refund. So you have absolutely nothing to lose.
So, there you have it…
You now have direct access to the world’s most guarded secrets to making money and success. No more excuses. It’s time to live the live you’ve always dreamed of.
The next step is yours.
You’re either going to order and put these proven success and moneymaking secrets and strategies to work for you.
OR ---
You’re going to continue on the same old path you’re on right now – networking with the wrong people, reading the same misleading ineffective books, listening to the same bad information from the wrong people, and getting the same or worse results.

You will NEVER be the same!

  • If you REALLY want MONEY…
  • If you REALLY want a better life…
  • If you REALLY want a great love life…
  • If you REALLY want to feel POWER and CONTROL in your life…
  • If you REALLY want FREEDOM…
  • If you REALLY want to be lucky in life…
  • If you REALLY want to be super healthy and feel better than ever before…
  • If you REALLY want to end depression and be HAPPIER than EVER…
Then you MUST order Your Wish Is Your Command today! (NOT next month, NOT next week, NOT tomorrow – I’m talking about TODAY!)
All I can say is that I wish I had this information 30 years ago!
Trust me when I say…
Click one of the links below and order today before I sell out – and I WILL sell out! You have nothing to lose with my 90-day money back guarantee to you.

Only a Limited Supply will be Sold At This Price;

Secure Your Copy Today! 

Order Here for Only 1 Payment of N3,500.00

You can pay into any GTBANK NationWide,


ACCOUNT NUMBER: 0013113392

After Payment, send a text "I Command Wishes (depending upon your Payment Access)", Teller Number, Name, E-mail, Phone Number to 
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Once we GET your payment, we send you your "YOUR WISH IS MY COMMAND" Materials to your e-mail within 15 minutes of PAYMENT CONFIRMATION.



Wishing you nothing but success and the best of everything!

Olunu Olugbenga,
A Personal Student of Kevin Trudeau,
NY Times #1 Best-Selling Author,

PS – To get all these never before revealed money making and success secrets of the secret societies, at the specially discounted price, you need to order today – this price is subject to change. And remember, I’m only releasing a limited amount of Your Wish Is Your Command programs. So order right away!

P.S.S: If you make Half Payment Access, you are only entitled to be exposed to the Success Secrets without the Bonuses involved unless you pay for the Full Access within 3 days. If you make Installmental Payment, we would give you 5 days to complete Payment for Half Payment Access or 10 days to complete Full Access Payment before you are entitled to your "YOUR WISH IS MY COMMAND" Materials.